How many of us consider our home to be our safe spot?
I do. What does the phrase “safety of my own home” really mean? These days, sales pitches include “From the safety of your own home.” There are plenty of reasons for that phrase. This is where we should feel safe, can relax, have the freedom to be active and healthy, and enjoy our family without worry.
If we’re going to call our home safe, we must first make sure that it is, in fact, safe.
There are many hidden hazards. Did you know that over 33,000,000 people are injured in their own homes by consumer products in the home each year? There is an abundance of things we can do to make home accidents preventable.
We naturally gravitate towards children and/or seniors when discussing keeping our home safe. But it’s all of us.

Let’s look at some of the safety concerns for children.

Home Safety Checklist for Older Adults and People with Disabilities
Adults over age 65 are predominantly susceptible to falls and poisoning. To help minimize the chance of your loved one getting hurt:
- Arrange furniture to clear all pathways to reduce risks of falling.
- Install bars and other safety devices to assist in showers, bathtubs, and toilets.
- See that tubs and showers have non-skid surfaces to reduce the risk of slipping.
- Install an elevated toilet set.
- Do not let clutter lay around. Keep the floor free from debris.
- Do not use throw rugs. Tack down all other rugs to reduce the risks of tripping.
- Install handrails on both sides of the stairs.
- Install nightlights throughout the home, especially in hallways and bathrooms.
- Place non-slip treads on bare wood steps.
- Consider safety features for medicines, such as color coding, to prevent mixing dosages.
- Consider a Panic Button such as a bracelet or necklace.
We’re all busy with many demands on our time. Practicing good safety measures in your home will make an impact you may never know. You will never know how many trips or falls you saved someone from. You will never know the quantity of choking visits to the ER you didn’t experience. Keep your home your safe spot.
Submitted by Lisa Freed