Change is in the air as we enter the Autumn season.

It’s time for sweaters, comfy boots, cooler temps, and warm, crackly bonfires. As the leaves change into a rainbow of beautiful colors, we need to remember that changing seasons is not always enjoyable. New seasons come with allergies, viruses, and that annoying flu bug. So, to help yourself through this changing season, here is a list of things to do to help you physically and mentally.
Find a favorite fall accessory. Something that you love and makes you feel amazing when wearing it. A new fall scarf, a pair of boots, a fun, colorful fall shirt, or, my personal favorite, an oversized comfy hoodie or sweater. Dressing in something you love can really set you up for a great day.
Keep your immune system boosted. Eat healthy foods, frequently wash your hands, do not touch your face or eyes, drink lots of water, and be sure you are still getting enough vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important, especially this time of year, and protects the body from various conditions. It also supports heart, lung, brain, and nervous system health, improves mood, and promotes healthy teeth and bones.
Find a favorite fall drink. Tis the season for pumpkin spice everything, so if that is your jam, find a pumpkin spice drink that you love and indulge. A yummy, extra chocolatey hot cocoa is one of my favorites. Goes great with that oversized hoodie.
Get your moisturizer on. Dry skin is the worst; this is the time of year when it can get extra bad. These cooler temps can really damage our skin, drying it out and making it flakey and itchy. Drinking more water or eating food with high water content can help, as well as body moisturizer.
Go for a walk. The daily temperatures may be cooler but that makes for better walking weather. Get out there and get some fresh air and vitamin D before winter hits and it’s too cold to be outside. A crisp morning walk is great to start your day and clear your mind.
Make bedtime earlier. Fall brings the end of Daylight Savings Time and causes us to lose an hour, creating moodiness and fatigue. It’s darker earlier, so start going to bed earlier. We need plenty of sleep to refuel our bodies and mental health.
Create a “Thankful” list. Autumn brings the season of thanks, and what better way to stay positive and work on your mental health than to remember and list all the things you are thankful for. It can be as simple as “I am thankful for the roof over my head.” This can be a very therapeutic task and helps feed positivity to the brain for a feeling of
Submitted by Brandy Owens